Monday, July 30, 2012

My Very First Blog 

So I am not really sure how to start a blog but I am here and this is what I am doing. I have some things that need to be said that I would not ever dream of saying to anyone for real. But I have had it. I am sick of sitting in a corner waiting for people to realize what is really going on. I can't tell people how I feel in the real world as it would seriously cause some problems, besides everyone already thinks I don't have a clue, but what they don't realize is they are the one's that are clueless and completely oblivious to what is really going on. But that is not going to be the only thing in here, there will be funny stuff, tips, ideas, and whatever else I decide to put in here.
So with all that said since I don't know much about this if comments are possible then they are very welcome, but please watch your language, I would appreciate if you could refrain from fowl language and curse words that is really my only thoughts.